The Good Men Project

Rally Driving is So Cool…It’s Got a Suburban-Mom Parody


Don’t joke about female drivers with this “suburban mom’s” awesome Ken-Block-inspired, minivan parody.

Anybody who says NASCAR or Formula One drivers are not athletes is not firing on all pistons.

The demands of high-speed endurance racing require focus, eagle vision, instant decision making, fearlessness as well as the physical traits of strength, stamina, trigger reflexes combined with the ability to withstand constant G-force stress.


Those traits also apply to Rally racing drivers whom many deem as the best all-round professional drivers, since they must navigate every type of terrain and every type of weather condition – there are not rain delays in Rally racing.


A subset of Rally, is known as Gymkhana – where a driver memorizes a course and competes to complete it for the fastest time.  Ken Block is a Gymkhana legend who is also an accomplished action-sport competitor in skateboarding, snowboarding and motocross.


Block is a bankable pitchman who has been featured in dozens of videos for one of his sponsors, DC footwear.  Check out this video below.

His campaign sparked the marketing geniuses at Famous Footwear to come up with their own parody version of a suburban mom hauling two kiddos in a minivan – titled Momkhana.

I have one word for it – awesome!

Photo: Kyn Chung/Flickr

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