The Good Men Project

Real-Life Batman Surprises Drivers On Japanese Highway


Batman takes his Batmobile for a causal spin on a Japanese highway and delights a few fans along the way. 


By Gavia Baker-Whitelaw

Batman is real, and he lives in the Chiba Prefecture in Japan.

The so-called “Chibatman” has been spotted by several people so far, with the most recent sighting being earlier this week.

According to the Wall Street Journal, Chibatman was first mentioned on Twitter about three years ago, but this new video is probably the best evidence yet. It shows the caped crusader in all his glory, speeding along the road on a three-wheeled Batcycle and wearing a very convincing version of the costume worn by Christian Bale in the Dark Knight movies.

Other twitpics show Chibatman in a rather less glamorous light, stuck in traffic.

The Chibatman’s real identity remains a mystery, although it doesn’t seem like he’s one of the “real” superhero vigilantes who decide to copy their comic book idols by patrolling the streets in costume. Considering the Chibatman’s near-perfect replica of the Dark Knight movie armor, it seems more likely that he’s just an extremely dedicated cosplayer who likes to give people a thrill by driving around his neighborhood in full costume.


This article originally appeared on The Daily Dot.

Photo via and_r9/Twitter

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