The Good Men Project

Saying What Needs to be Said, a Loving Letter to Republicans


I’ve often joked that I should receive 100 “likes” a day for what I don’t post on Facebook. I have done my absolute best to stay out of the fray of political commentary (for the most part) because I love my friends and family very much. I have unfriended no one, as I value highly the dialog that can at least provide clarity and exchange of ideas and I truly believe everyone has the right to think and believe as they will.  But things have progressed to the point where opting to remain silent so as to not ruffle feathers is akin to the tacit support of things that I absolutely do not support.

It is an insult to every soldier who laid their life on the line to protect our citizenry, our way of life, and the value system that has inspired the greatest large-scale social experiment in the history of the world.

In all honesty, half of what is posted on my feed—much of it from trusted friends and family members—is nothing short of deplorable and in extreme opposition to my view of the world. So I would like to comment on the Republican Party platform addressed in this article, and some of the tenets it presents specifically.

This is Fascism, my friends. FASCISM. To be more specific, it is a nauseating mix of Christian Theocracy and Totalitarianism. It is a total assault on our constitution and an insult to the very idea of America. It is an insult to every soldier who laid their life on the line to protect our citizenry, our way of life, and the value system that has inspired the greatest large-scale social experiment in the history of the world.

For the record, all four of my uncles fought valiantly in WWII, each of them returning with harrowing stories of near-death. One in particular, my uncle Harlan, was highly decorated for acts of bravery—literally saving a dozen of his fellow soldiers from certain death. My Father served in the Korean war, and my two oldest cousins both fought in the Viet Nam conflict, one badly injured. My beloved oldest nephew served in the Marines just in the last ten years. They all have my life-long respect.  Here’s the thing: the world-view espoused so brazenly in the current Republican platform is exactly what they were fighting against. The sad irony that we now must oppose this sickness from within our own country is inescapable, but the fact is, we have indeed met the enemy, and that enemy truly is US. This direction must be resisted at all cost.


Of all the “ideas” contained in this platform, the ones pertaining to religious freedom in particular shed a light on the truly dark nature of the current “Republican” party. I draw those quotes around the word because we all know that, for all of their previous uneducated bluster, military fetishism, obvious fear of the “other,” etc., this is not the Republican party of our collective heritage. Of course, as its core demographic has depleted with time, the party has increasingly included the most extreme and dangerous elements of our society, caring more and more for votes over ethics, and has desperately tried to hide its political desperation behind some vague idea of serving the “common man.” I have a very hard time accepting that any of my close friends and family who have previously identified as Republicans—especially those who I love and respect for their high intelligence and kind, generous hearts—could find solace in or agreement with this extremity.

This platform seeks to legally declare Christianity as the official national religion, to ensure that the Bible is taught in public schools, and to display the Ten Commandments in public schools and government properties. (Which of the several versions of the Ten Commandments is not specified. Oh, you didn’t know there was more than one? Perhaps you need a refresher course in your own religion?)

I have several responses to these “wishes,” and to anyone seriously considering supporting this:

You know that your political ideals and love of country has been hijacked and used to further agendas that are not meant for you. You know, deep down, that your support of right-wing policy has exploded in your face and caused great damage to our country and the world.

HOW DARE YOU imply that your childish need for religious reassurance is more important than my—than OUR—right to think and worship as we please. As an atheist—and someone who studied philosophy, theology, history, comparative religion, and the roots of Christianity for decades before accepting and embracing my atheism—I personally believe that ALL religions are wrong at best and extremely dangerous at worst, and that the world would be far better off without them. However, I will forever passionately defend your right to practice your chosen belief, as I hope and expect you would also do for me. This country was founded, not on Christian or any other religious tenets, but upon our basic right to express ourselves (freedom of speech) and practice the spirituality of our choice (freedom of religion.) This, folks, IS NOT up for discussion.


The idea that you would do this to me, and to us collectively, exposes the transparency of your shaky belief system. This “anger” that we see from you on the far right, is anger AT YOURSELVES. You are embarrassed and guilty, and you know you’ve been made the fool. You know, deep down, that your religion has failed you, has never delivered, even in light of your “steadfastness.” You know that your political ideals and love of country has been hijacked and used to further agendas that are not meant for you. You know, deep down, that your support of right-wing policy has exploded in your face and caused great damage to our country and the world.

But, like a petulant child who refuses to admit that they were the one that threw the baseball through the window, you refuse to admit that you were, in effect, wrong.

You know that this Trump, this ignoramus con-man, this silver-spoon, entitled jerk, this used-car salesman in an expensive suit, this massively oversized ego masquerading as strength, is a symbol of your collective failure. Still, like a child who fears repercussion for their actions, you will not admit your mistakes, will only deflect and blame others rather than face the truth. And the truth is, this is FASCISM, the final refuge of the weak, trampled and unenlightened. This is an abandonment of the American Dream. This is Nihilism and an attempt to burn every bridge that leads back to your previous lack of judgement.

The fact is, we’ve tried all this shit before, many, many, many times. And not only does it never work, it produces ghastly results for everyone every single time, including for its very supporters. I have to ask, did you pay no attention in history class? How do you think this story ends? Do you think the rules really don’t apply to America? Are you so deluded as to think that your emotional needs actually outweigh, you know, reality? Come on. This is about all of us.


For the record, the people that you label “Liberals” are just “Everyone Who Disagrees With You.” You know, the peace-lovers, the ones who want to find answers to our problems, who are willing to consider multiple points of view before making decisions that affect us all. We are adults, certainly flawed, but adults seeking real answers.

And you used to be, as well. It is the truth that you are the ones who drew this toxic line in the sand by your refusal to self-examine and actually take responsibility. If you truly wanted what is best for all of us, instead of what makes you feel more emotionally secure, you would understand that we need adults—smart people, experienced people—to solve our problems. And given your support of numerous things that didn’t work like trickle-down economics, preemptive force, and belligerent foreign policy for example, perhaps it is time to sit this one out and spend some time in self-reflection. The policies you have supported crashed the economy (just like the current Republican Governors of Kansas and Louisiana have done for their states), spurred two illegal and immoral invasions of sovereign countries, justified the use of torture, stole at least one and likely two elections, and killed hundreds of thousand innocent people. It’s time to say enough.

We all know this is not the face of conservatism, but of fascism. Resist it or sit it out, but do not make things worse for yourself, for all of us, for our country.

And, finally, lay off of LGTBQ people you shameful bullies. Can you not see how much these people have suffered, have borne the brunt of your fear, simply for being born the way they are? You lost on the Gay Marriage issue (which should never have been an issue in the first place), and what do you do? Pivot further right and begin attacking Transgender people, the most vulnerable of all in our sexual rainbow. It is beyond shameful, it is essentially evil, and it needs to stop NOW. Pick on someone your own size, you cowardly cowboys. It is time to respect, and yes love people who are different from you. It will make you feel much better, I promise.


This is really simple. We on the left (again, the great mass of people who seek peace and understanding and equality for all), just want to solve our collective problems and move forward. We want to forgive. We want you to be a part of this crucial and important conversation. We value your insight and experience. We value your hard work. We value your strength. And, if you can find your bearings again, we will value your leadership. We need you. And you need us.

So c’mon. We all know that the alternative is not perfect. But we all know this Trump character is a fraud. We all know he could give a shit about you or me. We all know that in a few years’ time you will do your best to forget his name, just as you have with your once-savior and now-unmentionable W. We all know this is not the face of conservatism, but of fascism. Resist it or sit it out, but do not make things worse for yourself, for all of us, for our country. We simply ask that you dig deep and embrace the hopeful, the peaceful, the loving nature that resides in your heart, however far it has been buried from trauma and abuse. We love you and we miss you.

Peace and Love to all.


Photo: Getty Images

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