The Good Men Project

Should Hillary Save the Nation By Dropping Out of the Race?


Should it be a grumpy Grandpa with a heart of gold versus an orange-faced Mr. America?

I’m worried about the future of my country.

It appears inevitable that Donald Trump will be on the ballot on Election Day, either as the Republican nominee, or as an Independent candidate.

Of course, he’s much more of a threat to become the next President of the United States in a two party race, but I’m not willing to rule him out in a three for all.

Not much scares me more than the words “President Trump.”

I realize that just because Trump is an option for voters in November, it doesn’t mean he is going to win the election. However, I believe his chances of taking the Oath of Office on Inauguration Day increase greatly if he runs against Hillary Clinton.

It’s not that I’m not with her. I’m just feeling the Bern.

Like me, Bernie Sanders was born in Brooklyn and now lives in New England.  He is the tenacious underdog who rails against big business, refuses to take money from deep pocketed political backers, and just seems like the only relatable candidate in the bunch.

And who doesn’t love a grumpy Grandpa with a heart of gold?

After winning the Wyoming Caucus this week, Senator Sanders has now beaten Secretary Clinton in seven of their last eight head to head contests.  Sure, Clinton still holds a large lead in delegates (which is not as big when you remove the mysterious Super Delegates from the equation), but Sanders’ momentum could be taken as a sign that the former First Lady’s support is dwindling among Democrats.

Young voters are proving that they want their voices heard, and they are screaming at the top of their lungs for that rumpled septuagenarian who looks a lot like Doc Brown and holds a serious grudge against the top one percent.

If that demographic is willing to leave social media behind for a few minutes to go out and vote, Bernie is sure to surpass the Colonel to become the most beloved and highest ranking Sanders in the nation.

As voters continue to prove that they’re Bernie backers, Sanders’ campaign has stepped up its attacks against Clinton. At a time when the former Secretary of State would prefer to unify the party behind her as the Democratic nominee and focus on defeating the Republicans, she suddenly finds herself back in the middle of a heated race.

The more Clinton has to fight to win a nomination that virtually everyone thought she had locked up months ago, the more vulnerable she looks in a General Election.

Saturday Night Live really took a shot at her in last weekend’s cold open. Keep in mind, the show is produced in New York, which Clinton considers to be her home state. With the New York Primary looming large on the horizon, it can’t be good news for Hillary to be mocked, live from New York, about her supposed love of the Big Apple.

The elephant in the room (no, I’m not talking about the GOP’s mascot) that really needs to be addressed is what happens if Secretary Clinton faces Federal charges for that public email server fiasco? If she is charged before Election Day, will she still be allowed to run for President? What happens if the charges are handed down after she is named the Democratic nominee, and it is determined that she is no longer eligible to run for the Oval Office? Would Senator Sanders take her place like the first runner up at the Miss America Pageant? Or would Miss America legally become the Democrats’ donkey in this race?

Regardless of whether those charges ever come to fruition, isn’t it obvious that the Republicans, especially Trump, would hold the scandal over Clinton’s head until Election Day?  Wouldn’t every campaign ad approved by the Republican Party mention the private email server debacle?  Can’t you see the entire campaign eroding into a mudslinging affair in which Clinton has provided her opponent with enough mud to fill the Grand Canyon even after it has been plastered with Top Secret emails?

Donald Trump isn’t the kind of man who only takes a yard when you give him an inch.  Trump takes the White House and then builds a wall across the Mexican border when you give him merely an inch, and in this case, it looks like Clinton has given the Republicans miles.

So doesn’t it make perfect sense for Clinton to drop out of the race now?  Even if she holds off Sanders to clinch the nomination, her email scandal is going to leave a bigger stain on her record than her husband left on Monica Lewinsky’s dress.

If Hillary really cares about this country and the future of the planet, she should do everything in her power to make sure Donald Trump doesn’t end up with his tiny hands on the nuclear launch button.

That’s why she needs to step aside and allow Bernie Sanders to be the Democratic nominee.

Sanders has the momentum, he beats Trump head to head in all the polls, he’s the political version of Rocky Balboa, and I’ve got to think President Sanders would send every American a card with a crisp, new five dollar bill inside on their birthday.

With Clinton’s blessing and support, Sanders would waltz (and any self-respecting 74 year old knows that dance) to victory against Trump in November.  His margin of victory would be HUUUUUUGE!

I know a lot of you still support the Former First Lady and think she is ready to be our nation’s first female President, but are you positive she can keep the man who would become our first reality TV star President from making America great again?

I wouldn’t place that bet in any casino, be it owned by Trump or anyone else.

I do, however, believe that Bernie Sanders would prevent America from feeling the burn of nuclear hellfire brought about after President Trump insulted the wrong world leader’s wife.

The time has come for Hillary to make the ultimate sacrifice and accept that her husband will remain the only President in the family.

Besides, there’s always 2024 after President Sanders retires to Florida.

Those are my thoughts on this subject.  I’m going to enjoy a whoopie pie and watch the Yankees game now, but I’d love to know what you think.  Leave a comment below, and I’ll get back to you as soon as the game ends…


Photo: Dave Phillips/Flickr

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