The Good Men Project

Social Seems Ready to Deport Attorney General Sessions

Source: – Jeff%20Sessions-and-DACA

This post is the opinion of the the author and does not necessarily represent The Good Men Project.

The former senator from Alabama and early Donald Trump backer rarely pokes above 30 percent positives. But following his statements on the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program, Social’s opinion has fallen to 19 percent positive – low for even a Trump Cabinet member – with sentiments calling him everything from a liar to downright evil. After the Trump Administration rescinded DACA, with a six-month delay that essentially tossed the hot potato into Congress’ lap, Sessions defended the move, calling the program “unconstitutional” and likening it to “unilateral executive amnesty.” As NBC was quick to point out, that’s not exactly the case. DACA does not confer legal status on recipients (popularly referred to as “Dreamers”); all it does is protect Dreamers from deportation. It’s one thing to argue against the Dreamers, for whom Social’s sympathy runs high, but to get it wrong in the process may be what has won Sessions such low esteem. –Hugo Guzman

Republished from 30dB


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