The Good Men Project

The Difficulty of Saying ‘I Love You’

This American Life Videos 4 U: I Love You from This American Life on Vimeo.

Love is like a rose. It’s difficult and thorny and awkward to put into words at times.

It causes some to simply freeze up, uncomfortable and catatonic, unable to mutter those words of deep affection and devotion. Have you ever felt like you can’t tell someone something important?  It happens.bianca

Meet Bianca Giaever.  She’s a filmmaker.  She is also a relationship consultant of sorts. Taken together, she helps people say what’s on their minds.

She swoops in and assists them for getting their message across in a video that they aren’t fully comfortable saying in real life.   Her company, Videos 4U, finds people who are “having trouble saying something.”

The Brooklyn-based director’s latest project chronicles Chicago-based Maia Leppo’s attempt to tell her boyfriend of eight years “I love you.” Leppo is only seen on camera wearing a mask– because she’s too shy– but narrates most of the video, explaining why neither she, nor her boyfriend, have ever uttered the L word.

Giaever says the idea came as a result of some “serious” conversations for job interviews that she would rehearse beforehand. ”But I would get there and completely forget everything. I thought ‘Man, I’m a radio producer, I should just record myself saying the things I need to say, and then I could edit them perfectly and play that instead,’” Giaever said.

Voila!  That inspired her to help other folks having difficulty voicing a thought to break that communication barrier.

Giaever won’t comment on her next video, keeping mum on which topics of conversation she’ll help people with next. She says there are a number in the works.

Since Leppo’s boyfriend has now seen the video, the big question is: what did he say back?

Silly you. ‘I Love You.’

by Skippy Massey

This post originally appeared at the Humboldt Sentinel. Reprinted with permission.

Photo: Vimeo

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