The Good Men Project

The Father’s Burden

What’s Your Story of “Providing?”

One story I hear over and over again, from all sorts of men, rich and poor, liberal and conservative, of many races and ethnicities, is the need to provide for their families financially. Countless men have given up some career that gave them joy, and take on some hated but lucrative job, in order to make sure that their family has the money they need. For other men, their wife has more wealth or income, and this has its own set of consequences in the family dynamic. There are men who are wracked by guilt for not being able to provide enough for their family, sometimes to the point of suicide. For many men, it is as their very manhood is defined by their ability to be able to seen as good providers.

This post is about you.  Leave your story in the comments, if short (under 200 words). Please submit longer ones to David Kaiser at and we will run them as posts in a special section about this topic

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