The Good Men Project

The NFL Star Who Chose Farming Over $37 Million Dollars

Jason Brown had a lucrative contract and promising future in the NFL, but he walked away for a bigger purpose.

He was considered one of the best centers in the NFL and played for the St. Louis Rams. He had a five-year, $37 million dollar contract with the Rams. His name is Jason Brown.

Jason walked away from that contract to farm. Yes, he left the NFL and millions of dollars to do something he was passionate about. His mission is to feed the hungry in Missouri and serve others.

He donates the first fruits of every harvest to food pantries. His first donation was 100,000 pounds of sweet potatoes. He has a thousand arches and plans to give away as much as possible.

How did he learn about farming? YouTube. Watch the video to see the story.

Photo: Flickr/ MBK (Marjie)

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