The Good Men Project

The Quarantine Quest, Finish What You Started

Business will not be usual for the foreseeable future but it must go on. After only a day at home with our families, it feels like we’ve collectively lost our minds. A silver lining is possible if not probable for service providers.

The next few weeks and months are going to prove one thing for certain. Consumers will appreciate service providers much more than they did previously. Ask any parent how much they appreciate a teacher after trying to teach their child. Those who provide a service will continue to have a market.

When Elsa decided to go into the unknown in Disney’s Frozen 2, I was all about it. However, our collective journey into the unknown to combat Coronavirus, I must admit, I am less enthused about.

Disease, death, and defeat are things we’ve all dealt with within our lives. Just because the CDC recommends social distancing doesn’t entitle you to distance yourself from pursuing new opportunities including getting new sales.

Cabin fever is going to settle in rapidly with this generation.

We’ve grown accustomed to instant gratification from our social media feeds, news broadcasts and simple methods of communications. Distractions and excuses won’t be as readily available during this quarantine. Conference calls will still suck but overall we will have more time and less to distract us. That simple fact is a wonderful opportunity to pursue.

If you want to stay relevant during this time, make sure to connect with and contribute to as many people as possible. Emails can still be sent. Zoom calls can be made. Pick up the phone and connect. This isn’t the time to quit. Instead, double down.

Before you decide to start something new, finish what you started.

Pick up where you left off and get the job done. Worrying about the unknown and walking into the unknown are two different things. Sitting on the couch and not taking action won’t help anyone. Sit at the desk, pick up the phone and start connecting.

Be honest with yourself and others about what is going on. Almost every day, I have a lunch or coffee meeting this month. All have been switched to phone calls. Forget about what should be happening instead focus on what is.

The best way to help yourself is to reach out to others. Don’t worry about the service you’re providing, maintain or grow your relationships. These relationships need your value now, sales will come.

Opportunities are still out there but you have to put yourself out into the unknown instead of pouting of what could have been. Everyone is having a tough time. Try not to let the tough times distract you from keeping your focus on moving the ball.

We can’t control the events that are happening but we can control our response to them. The decisions we make today will create a better version of the future for ourselves, families and businesses.


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This article originally appeared on Pennovia.

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Photo Credit: @ante_kante on Unsplash

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