The Good Men Project

The Shockingly Low Odds of Making it in the NFL

The few NCAA players who make it to the NFL, can expect short-lived glory.

TYT Sports anchors Francis Maxwell and Jason Rubin report on statistics revealing the low odds of making it into the NFL. According to the data, only 1.6% of players from the NCAA make it to the NFL; their career span lasts only three years. Jason explains, “There is one issue I have with the other graph and that is, they are basically insinuating ‘if you want to be an NFL player don’t follow your dreams ‘cause there’s such a little chance that you’ll make it’ and that is fundamentally wrong!” Francis brings up a different perspective, linking the need for players to be educated, “You need to think about what comes next because football doesn’t last forever.” Watch TYT Sports explain whether or not this data is pessimistic here:

Photo credit: YouTube/TYT Sports
Video credit: YouTube/TYT Sports
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