The Good Men Project

Three Key Strategies to Adrenalize Your Team’s Success

“Why is my team failing to meet their goals?  Why aren’t they doing the work? I am just so frustrated with them at this point that I am better off doing it myself.”

These questions and phrase are uttered my many of my independent and small business owner clients quite frequently these days.  There are many variables contributing to the failure to meeting deliverables and key performance indicators.  People are overwhelmed, stressed out, apathetic, fatigued and burnt out.

The pandemic has led to the Great Resignation and a workforce that is reshuffling.  It was reported that 4.3 million people quit their jobs in January of this year and 44% of employees are open to and looking for new opportunities. The impact of many resignations is compounding the work and pressure placed upon the employees left behind.  Many have been thrust into survival mode rather than a thriving mode.

So how do we combat the challenges that are being presented to many companies, big and small?   As you begin to hire new employees and support the ones that have stayed behind, there are three key strategies to impress upon your team to help adrenalize them to reach the success that you desire.

These proven strategies have been successful with my clients in helping them to overcome burnout, analysis paralysis, build six and seven figure incomes, and become better partners, parents and ultimately better leaders for their companies.

The key strategies to adrenalize your team’s success are:


  1. Show up consistently.


When someone shows up consistently, they demonstrate they are reliable, ready and have ambition to achieve success.   Showing up consistently means being present in the work and laser focused on the goal and task at hand.

One of the toughest things we struggle with is establishing consistency.  Consistency is necessary to building trust between managers and employees.  It brings order to your organization and improves productivity.When executives and management look to succeed on a project, they often seek the employee who has demonstrated the most consistency.   Consistent employees are high performing, higher achiever and help companies to achieve their productivity goals.


2. Do the work.


It so simple to utter, yet so difficult to achieve.  But just do the work!

Productive, successful people do the work.  They set goals, make a plan, organize their priorities and complete the tasks.   When project become tough, and its easier to through in the towel, the successful employees are the ones that continue to work through it.   They look for solutions and focus on the outcome.

People who do the work remain open, curious, and committed to learning.   They don’t shy away from the challenge.  They understand that sweat, tears and rolling up their sleeves will yield the outcome they are aiming to achieve.

The good workers are the ones who optimize their individual work and then collaborate with their teammates to enhance their work.  They deliver on time.  The appreciate sweat equity.


3. Trust the process.


This is the hardest of the three strategies.   Trusting the process requires us to place faith in something outside of ourselves.  It causes us to be vulnerable and relinquish some of the control.  This is uncomfortable for many.

The assurance of trusting in the process comes from taking the first two actions and then seeing results and solutions happen.   When we do the work and show up consistently we are putting energy in motion to make things happen.

Many of my clients describe this as the universe responding to their efforts.  We often call this a coincidence.  For example, you have an idea to start a podcast, but you know nothing about it.  You research it, you plan it out, you learn the equipment, but you have difficulty with editing and finalizing your episodes.  You have done the work.  Then you go to a networking event and meet someone who own a podcasting platform.  Coincidence?  Absolutely not.  You showed up and did the work and the point where you needed help, you received the support because you trusted the process.

Trusting the process takes faith, remaining open to receive what comes our way as we show up and do the work.

When we look for the right employees and support all of them, we create expectations to help them to achieve their goals.  Impressing upon each employee three simple strategies to govern their work your will see your organization thrive, be more productive and improve your retention.  These strategies of showing up consistently, doing the work and trusting the process are the foundation for achieving success.  Implement them in your organization so that your teams are adrenalized and surpass their performance metrics.


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