The Good Men Project

Three Types of Dream Chasers

Making your dream a reality starts with figuring out what’s held you back.

Chasing dreams is hard work. They take a long time, and there are times along the way when you feel like quitting. To chase a dream, you have to be willing to step outside of your comfort zone and do what most people think is impossible.

Identifying which one you are could be the key to making your dreams a reality.

When I started chasing my dreams in 2011, I went through a wide range of emotions. I wanted to change three major areas of my life, and it seemed impossible. When I thought about the magnitude of it, I was paralyzed by fear.

It took a long time to get honest about the different stages of dream chasing I was in and the type of dream chasers I was. When I got honest, the clarity followed. These different stages mirrored what I was feeling inside and what I believed about myself.


If you are going to make your dreams a reality, you have to get clarity and focus. There are three types of dream chasers. Identifying which one you are could be the key to making your dreams a reality.

1. The Skeptic

This dream-chaser sees success from others and is automatically skeptical. They look for what lucky break others had or believe they won the lottery or got an inheritance. It may be the news or bad experiences in their past, but they are blindly by skepticism.

If you are skeptical of success, you can never get to a place in your mind that will allow you to see what’s possible. Mindset is vital in dream chasing and skepticism kills the right mindset.

Every time I write an article on a large website, you can see the skeptical dream-chasers come out. They go in the comments and argue about why none of this is possible for them. Life is hard, and it throws some sucky curveballs, but dreams are possible. It starts with you believing in yourself and your dream.

2. The Confused

This dream-chaser has tried everything in the book and still hasn’t reached their goals. I was this dream-chaser for a long time. I followed all the “experts” and did everything they said to do. I didn’t make progress.

What we see in the online world is those who are successful because they started before 2010 or those who had something that helped them, like a six-figure day job. For most of us, we’re building a dream living paycheck-to-paycheck. We can’t afford to buy our way into success. We stuck in the middle.

Being a “confused” dream-chaser is NOT a bad thing. It means that you believe in the dream, but have to figure out what works for where you are. If this is you, keep it simple and stop learning.

Yes, I know what that sounds like, but we know too much already and it’s hurting our progress. Create great free content, build your audience and offer premium products and services. That’s how you create freedom in your work. Do the same when it comes to other areas of your life.

3. The Determined 

This dream-chaser has moved beyond confused and into a place that allows them to make progress. They have focused and figured out what works for them. They are taking steps everyday towards their dreams.

Get honest about where you’re at and do something about where you want to be.

They see it and believe it. No matter what comes their way they won’t let it stop them. No matter how many times they fall, they will get back up. This can be you if you want it badly enough.


I realize everyone’s path will be different. For some, it seems like the doors flew open, but that’s not the case. There is always a back story of hard work and failure in every successful dream-chasers journey.

If you have been on this journey for a while, I want you to know that your dreams are possible. Don’t give in or give up. Get honest about where you’re at and do something about where you want to be.

What type of dream-chaser are you?

This article originally appeared on and is republished on medium.

Photo credit: iStock


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