The Good Men Project

‘Try Trump…What Do You Have To Lose?’ Here’s What.

Donald Trump’s recent pitch to black voters-–and the electorate in general—is: Try Me. What Have You Got To Lose?”

Putting aside the used-car-salesman-slash-snake-oil-salesman-slash-Jon-Lovitz-pathological-liar like vibe that is emanating from The Donald, as well as the rampant institutional racism, we decided to just take him at face value and answer his question. Taking it from the perspective of what do we all have to lose, the answer, it turns out, is a lot.

So, without further ado, our Top Ten Things That We Have To Lose If We Elect Donald Trump.


1. All of the progress we have made in the last 50 years, especially in the area of Civil Rights and race relations.

Black voters already know this.

It is up to everyone else to understand—this loss will be catastrophic.

How many teachers will feel justified in their treating students of color differently? How many police officers will feel justified in delivering justice with guns blazing to unarmed folks of color? How many loan officers will deny financing to qualified folks of color? How much harsher will sentencing be for folks of color?

It’s how the intrinsic bias shifts that influences the culture of the country. And that’s already happening.

Make no doubt about it—Trump isn’t really talking to black people when he is asking the question. He is talking to his base. And the next 9 points are what those in his base – and the rest of us! – have to lose.


2. Our standing in the international community.

Not talking about you, Vladimir Putin. You silly.

But the rest of the world:


3. Marriage equality.


4. Affordable (and legal) reproductive care.


5. A stable economy built for a modern age of innovation.

Trump’s policies of isolationism, high tariffs, and promises to return to a manufacturing economy that is never coming back have been roundly criticized by economic experts. Oh no—the “E Word!” We almost forgot, we shouldn’t trust experts; the people who have spent their lives studying a particular issue. Oops.

From the Wall Street Journal:

“A new analysis concludes Donald Trump’s economic proposals, taken at face value, could produce a prolonged recession and heavy job losses that would fall hardest on low- and middle-income workers.”


6. Any hope at reasonable gun control regulations.

Donald Trump on Hillary Clinton:

“By the way, if she gets to pick her judges,” Trump said. “Nothing you can do, folks. Although the Second Amendment people, maybe there is, I don’t know.”

And if you believe that he was referring to “The Second Amendment People” banding together their political power to vote against Hillary…well…I’ve got a bridge to sell you. (I’m sure Donald probably does have an actual bridge to sell you.)

Back to the point: Trump has shamelessly courted and encouraged violence. He has courted the NRA and “The Second Amendment People.” He dog whistles, they come running. Their agenda does not include reasonable gun regulations or seeking a path towards finding consensus on this issue. Neither does his.


7. A government that actually represents all of the people it is designed to serve—and works on improving the lives of everyone who lives here.

Our government hasn’t always done this. But they have set out to course correct as the world changes. There’s been a cultural bias in the US since the end of WWII that has sought to improve the equality of American society (in light of everything the US soldiers encountered in fascist Europe). Truman used executive power to desegregate the military, Eisenhower sent federal troops to desegregate southern schools, etc.).

This would end. The executive branch would be in essence giving up on improving society.


8. A system that actually does believe “All men (and women) are created equal” and deserve equal rights under laws.

These ones should be pretty self-explanatory by now.

Trump has alienated “The Blacks,” “The Gays,” “The Jews,” “The Muslims,” Mexicans, Women, and pretty much every group of people other than angry white Christian males.

Our richness, our beauty, and our competitive advantage in the world is our diversity. It’s what actually does make this country great. This is the United States of America. Not the United States of White Male Supremacy. Let’s keep it that way.


9. Separation of Church and State.

Trump has sold his soul to the Christian Right. And they have sold their souls to him.

Exhibit 1: Trump recently formed an Evangelical Executive Board to advise him on issues affecting Evangelicals.

Exhibit 2: Trump’s recent meeting with Evangelical Leaders:

“We have to bring those values back. We have to bring that spirit back. And in a way, it’s been taken way from you by the federal government and by these horrendous things that have been allowed in the past. But just remember this: You are the most powerful group in this country. But you have to realize that. You have to band together. You have to band together. If you don’t band together, you’re really not powerful. You have a powerful church. I see it. I see some of these incredible pastors and ministers and people that speak so brilliantly. And I see it. But they’re great within their audience but then outside they don’t have it. You have to band together as a group. And if you do that, you will bring it back like nothing has ever been brought back.” 

(A favorite pic of Trump with Evangelical Leaders, as well as his Framed Cover of Playboy)


10. Our Dignity.

Take it away Whitney.

Photo Credit: Associated Press/File

Join our #StopTrump task force today.

(Weekly conference calls with like-minded people who want to stop a candidate who is racist, sexist, bigoted, incites violence and is demonstrating no competence for the job at hand.)


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