The Good Men Project

Why We Run #10: Pushing Myself Into Constant Motion


Bob Sinclair walked until he could run. Now he can’t stop.


The Good Men Project Sports asked Why We Run?  In this series, we share your answers.

Below is Bob Sinclair’s.


If you are like me, I always read these articles because I want to motivate myself to move. I weigh too much.  I have plenty of excuses for that, but everyone knows better, secretly, even myself.  I read an article about yoga, and I try it out, feel silly, and give up on it a week or two later.

I bought a gym membership.  I did okay with it for a while until a muscle bound jerk laughed at my chubby frame wrestling with the equipment.  I couldn’t go back without feeling more self conscious, so I stopped.  Is that why they have all those mirrors on the walls?

When I exercise, I felt like the hippos in Fantasia.  You know, the ones with the tutus.  I couldn’t feel more self conscious and ridiculous.  I read all the articles on the health websites.  All that I had learned is that I don’t exercise enough in 200 ways.

Know the feeling?

I thought that I was doomed to being a sick, fat, couch potato all my life, when I saw an advertisement for a “class” entitled “Couch potato to 5K”.  It was ten weeks, every Saturday morning.  Every week, they would add a little distance until we were going the full 5K.  They convinced me that I could walk 30 seconds, then run 30 seconds.  Even at the quarter mile, I couldn’t catch my breath in the walking portion of my “run”!!  But I figure if I kept practicing during the week, that would improve.

Then, that first week, the klutz in me rammed into a bed post.  Although it hurt then, the next morning, it really hurt.  I busted two toes.  So, I was part of the walking group!  To make matters worse, I caught the flu, I was out for two more weeks after that.

By that time, I was determined to walk.  Walking – what could be so hard about that?  One foot in front of the other.   Well, in my shape, it meant being out of breath.  During my practices, I was barely making 4K without panting and gasping for breath.

Three or four times a week, I was out there.  Soon, I could make 5K.  And I noticed that it cleared my head.  It made me breath easier.  I felt better.  It helped with my depression. I even broke down and bought a book!!  Chi Walking.   Then, I bought the audio version, and played it on my phone while I walked!!  Then, I made myself a private goal that I could do this 5K business in under an hour.

Needless to say, I did the 5K.  I actually walked it just over 55 minutes.  Now, I know that anyone does this knows that my time was definitely not record breaking.  But I did it.  I am proud of it.  And I feel better emotionally, and physically.

Now that I have finished walking the 5K,  I don’t have the flu, and my toes healed well,   Now, I am trying running.  Or at least, what is jokingly called running.  I am doing a run/walk rotation in thirty second/one minute intervals.  Starting with a quarter mile, and working my way up to infinity and beyond.

I have a friend who has even offered to run the 5K with me in October.  (He’s in a lot better shape than I am. ) I know it is a long way off, but I am have a long way to go.  Kinda look ridiculous, all 250 pounds of me, running while I am huffing and puffing.  But, it doesn’t matter.  I have to start somewhere.

So walking and me, it was the beginning of a beautiful friendship. Now, my friend has brought a new companion along.  My goal now is to complete the 5K running the entire way.


I am no expert.  But if you are reading this article trying to figure out how to get off the couch, it doesn’t matter how many articles you read today.  It  does matter if you move.  It matters if you keep moving.  If you can’t run, walk.  If you can’t walk, push a wheelchair.  Just get up and move.

It improved my mental outlook.

It has helped me lose weight.

It has increased my confidence.

I am proud as hell I have stuck it out to the 5K.  I know in doing this, I will run a little better than the day before.  I am really only in competition with myself.

It can do that all for you.

Start.  One step at a time.  Take a walk.


 #9: The Need << >> #11: Control


For The Good Men Project Sports’ Why We Run feature, we are looking to collect YOUR comments, posts, Tweets, and emails that answer the questions: Why do you run? What are you running from? What are you running towards, if anything?”

Please send us your submission via email to myself at or via Twitter @michaelkasdan #WhyWeRunGMP and #GMPSports. Submissions can also be made through the below comments section or on our Facebook page.


By: Bob Sinclair: Currently working at home, online. Enjoying Florida sunshine. Still a New Jersey boy at heart. I am a work in progress. I am still growing mentally, emotional, spiritually, (and if I am not careful) physically.

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Photo: Flickr/Sergio Alvarez

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