The Good Men Project

Will the Real Leaders Please Stand-Up?


What we really need are leaders (regardless of political affiliation) who care enough to listen.

There I was, two days before my deadline, still undecided. I could not settle upon a topic for my weekly business article on The Good Men Project. If you know me, you know I hate cutting it close. After thirteen years in the military, I take deadlines very seriously. Not having a solid idea for a topic was bothering me. Deep down, something was bothering me even more.

The last two weeks have been rough for me personally. The Freddie Gray case and the riots in Baltimore hit me like a punch in the gut. My father and many of my friends have honorably served within the law enforcement community. I was torn between supporting the law enforcement community and staring down the dark hole of institutional racism.

My heart wept for Freddie Gray’s family and yet at the same time my heart wept for the police officers as well. My hurt ran deep because this challenged everything I believed in. I grew up believing that police officers were good, salt of the earth, people. Within my family they were held in high esteem and they were respected. I did not think they were perfect (they are always a few bad apples) but I believed in them.

Freddie Gray once again forced me to look within and confront thoughts and emotions that lurked deep within.

Freddie Gray once again forced me to look within and confront thoughts and emotions that lurked deep within. Reluctantly, I admited that we do have an issue. In fact, we have multiple serious issues that run deep and threaten the solidarity of our great nation. Issues we must begin to openly and honestly dialogue about so we can begin the healing process.

As I thought more and more about it, I became more troubled. In my mind, it seemed like our great country was circling the drain on the verge of implosion. Then, it became even more apparent that our problems extend far beyond the Freddie Gray incident. We see the same themes surrounding same sex marriage and LGBT equality. As a society we are growing further apart because we are so concerned about what we believe.

The words from either side fall on deaf ears because either side is only concerned about communicating their message.

Business owners are refusing to serve donuts to gay people and refuse to offer insurance that pays for birth control. All the while the news continues to report increasing incidents of police brutality among black males. Once again people on either side are clamoring to be heard. The words from either side fall on deaf ears because either side is only concerned about communicating their message.

We have businesses that are praised for “taking a stand” for not serving gays, lesbians, homosexuals, and heterosexuals (as well as many other groups.) Legal suits are filed in courts of law to limits the rights of these people. We’re fighting for freedom while restricting the freedoms of others. Sounds complicated doesn’t it?

As a society, we have become more interested in being heard as opposed to affecting change. Slowly we are spinning out of control because we are only interested in getting our point across. I don’t know about you, but personally I am tired of it. Tired of people who lack empathy driving our country to the edge. The last thing we should be concerned with is getting our point across.


What we really need are leaders (regardless of political affiliation) who care. Businesses need leaders willing to look deep within and affect change from their inside out. We need visionaries who understand that we can believe differently and still get along. Luminaries who value diversity, are willing to challenge themselves, and are whose level of self-confidence is off the charts. You see, it is the feeble minded that must be heard all the time.

It is time to move beyond dollars and cents, beyond the importance of our own personal beliefs and philosophies. It is time for us to embrace those who are different than us, those whose life circumstances has led them to make unfamiliar choices. It is time for the real leaders to stand up and take charge!

Are you ready to challenge the status quo? Are you ready to stand up and listen rather then pontificate? If so, you might be one of  the real leaders our country needs.

Will you stand up?

Photo: Flickr/George A. Spiva Center for the Arts

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