The Good Men Project

The World Is Falling Down

“And we’re off!” This famous phrase has excited millions of horse racing enthusiast. Many of them sit nervously, near the edges of their seats, brows perspiring, racing forms tightly clutched within their sweaty palms with vice grip like pressure as the crowd roars in anticipation of a victor.

Their concerted expectations grip their egos as they collectively await the outcome. This whirlwind will culminate in a matter of three to four minutes at best, as sighs of agony or adulation will put their anticipation to rest.

While we are inundated with “self- made, ‘gods’” the earth as we know it may possibly be tethering off of its axis. Imagine it rolling through the streets of what ifs and it’s your faults. Can you visualize it reprimanding itself, licking its wounds, and avoiding being rubbed with its own salts, as grandeurs of meteoric proportions infiltrate its thoughts?

Just imagine, if you will, the world standing on strong legs, while tipping around on arthritic feet, do you see it exhibiting a twitching brow with its nerves on edge, fearing what is to come next while reluctantly burying its dead, gleefully patting itself on the back instead of realizing that many people of the world have yet to be fed?

Maybe this world of which we all profess to be so proud of is wobbling unsteadily on weak knees, skating in fear on thin ice that is hundreds of feet thick, can we see a world cascading through snow-capped mountains feverishly, holding the handrails at the apex of the Alps?

Will we boldly state not to worry, the world is a wonder, after all, with all of our scientific theories, experiments and oceanographers giving us the blueprints with architectural preciseness we know unequivocally that our universe flushes the world with all of its great rivers and mysterious, and unexplored seas, as landscapes are ravaged by ragging tornadoes and hurricanes whistling through the limbs as they destroy dwellings and uproot trees!

What an absurd assertion one may lament, to even give credence to the thought of the world falling down, after all the Burmuda triangle is a myth and so is this infamous black hole that we’ve all heard discussed throughout the annals of time one’s intellectual acquisition will not permit such insane thoughts.

In our world, we easily accept the stars wrapped within their twinkling illumination, as we squint and smolder underneath the sun and its shining rays, we embrace fairy tales of the moon tasting like curds of cheese, we relish the eradication of dry skin as we harvest oil from the Palm trees and coconut leaves oiling unsteady dry feet, paying particular attention to our heels and knees.

We marvel at the snow-capped mountains and discord our shoes to feel the essence of natures gift as we walk through the soft, dew infused grass that sits in our yards and in the valleys below embracing what we feel is a great future, ignoring and attempting to refute the facts of our past.

The world falls down daily; how does that happen?

Warmongers sharpen their swords, as the world continues to tip its hat, we crumble under self-imposed pressures by somehow convincing us that we are invincible and oblivious to anything, even death. We destroy our ecosystems in the interest of monetary gains, we lie to ourselves refusing to acknowledge the truth that is clearly before us and has been flawlessly explained, we defame, degrade, and destroy others simply because we cannot pronounce their names.

Do you believe it’s possible for our world to be in a free fall? Does man understand that if we continue to mame, murder, starve, pilfer, and rape this world of its natural resources, rage war on those of whom we dislike and disagree with and dismantle nature that no one will be the conquerors?

Intelligent individuals might want to ask themselves, once we kill everybody then what? Once we become self-appointed leaders then what? Once WE ourselves are dead then what?

What’s your take on what you just read? Comment below or write a response and submit to us your own point of view or reaction here at the red box, below, which links to our submissions portal.


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Photo credit: Pixabay

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