The Good Men Project

You Are Being Manipulated All the Time

What does your reaction to a hat say about your ability to avoid manipulation?

A woman wore a hat to work at Home Depot. That hat said, “America Was Never Great”. Someone snapped a picture, posted it on social media, and it went viral.

A lot of the beliefs you have, were never consciously validated by you.

Another hat reads, “Make America Great Again”. You probably know who wears that hat.

One hat generated a lot of outrage and even death threats. A presidential candidate wears the other hat. A significant portion of the outrage is from the same group who supports the other hat.

Both imply America is not great right now.

If one message generates anger and hate for the wearer, the other should as well. But that is not how it works.

Pre-existing Beliefs

By the time we reach our teens, many of our beliefs have already been defined. This framework is necessary to both fit into our tribe and to simplify decision making.

If you had to stop and rethink every decision all the time you would never get anything done. “Do I like chocolate cake?” is not a question that gets asked over and over.

… marketers, politicians, and others can learn to manipulate the beliefs you hold most dearly to affect how you think and act.

The thing is, a lot of the beliefs you have, were never consciously validated by you. As youngsters, we get many of them from our tribe; our parents, teachers, religious leaders, and friends. As adults, the habit continues.

This predefined belief system is how the same fact can be interpreted in so many different ways. For some America was always great, for some it was and now isn’t, and for those who saw yet another perspective, they see greatness for a few but not everyone.

All are valid viewpoints as defined by tribe and experience.

Manipulating Your Beliefs

We all do it to some degree or we would never convince others to see things our way or give us what we want. So it should come as no surprise that marketers, politicians, and others can learn to manipulate the beliefs you hold most dearly to affect how you think and act. They become master manipulators.

You can take it further and challenge your beliefs if you are brave enough.

When it is done for good, you have ethical leaders and marketers and it is called influence.

When manipulation goes awry, you are convinced to do things that:

Many of our beliefs have come from a system that is designed to get us to fit in and comply.

Avoiding Manipulation

Whenever you have a strong reaction to something said by the media, marketing, or a politician stop and ask yourself:

You can take it further and challenge your beliefs if you are brave enough. Objectively considering alternative viewpoints is called critical thinking.  Your faith in them will be reinforced by conscious choice if they remain valid.

The self-made millionaires and billionaires don’t get that way by already having money. They get that way by seeing the world differently and avoiding more of the manipulation by others.

When you can avoid doing what others want you to do through manipulation, you have an opportunity, and a chance to make things better. Success and happiness come when you see beyond being manipulated and make your own best choices.

The self-made millionaires and billionaires don’t get that way by already having money. They get that way by seeing the world differently and avoiding more of the manipulation by others. They don’t fall prey to the limiting beliefs the system is designed to instill in you.

After all, no country is made great or un-great by a hat.

Photo: Getty Images

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