The Good Men Project

What’s Your Relationship With Money?

relationship with money

When was the last time you asked yourself that?

“Sit down.”

I didn’t quite know what to expect next. So, I sat down.

“Buddy,” Bill continued, “How’s your relationship with money?”

Whatever I may have been expecting, it certainly wasn’t that question. But it’s a good question, isn’t it?


When was the last time you asked yourself that?

Not all of us have mentors like Bill who will ask you about your relationship with money.

In most–or all–cases, we have to ask ourselves.

‘Here’s how I see it. You’ve got to believe that money is what you make it.’

It’s a deep question; one with many factors and implications. Nothing is simplified either by the fact that each one of us is in a different situation.

Perhaps you’re debt free and you don’t have a family. Maybe you work in corporate and have a child with a debilitating health challenge to overcome.

Couple our current situation with our unique backgrounds, and now things become more complex.


I’m in no position to tell you how to make love to your money.

Instead, I’d like to share what my mentor Bill shared with me.

“Buddy,” he began, “Here’s how I see it. The paper, the coin, really, they’re neutral. They’re important, but they’re neutral. You’ve got to believe that money is what you make it.”

He paused.

“But make it, man. If anyone should make a lot of money, it should be good people.”

In silence I wondered, Am I good?

That is one more question worth asking.

Picture: Flickr/photographymontreal

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