The Good Men Project

4 Minutes That Will Change Your Life and Save the Planet (VIDEO)

Humankind, and especially the last century, have been demonstrably unkind to the planet earth.

This post originally appeared at Occupy Democrats

By Omar Rivero

Among many other reasons, the Industrial Revolution, the search for the energy to power an ever-growing global economy, and the need to feed an always-increasing world population set the stage for a subconscious “disjointing” of human kind from our our planet and it’s non-human inhabitants.

This incredibly powerful 4-minute video was made with the purpose of shattering that disconnect and making us realize, once again, that we are all one- humans, animals, the natural environment, we all share the same origin and essence.

As global climate change is debated on Capitol Hill, it’s imperative that every citizen of this world unites in one common purpose: reversing course and reconnecting with and preserving Mother Nature, for she is us and we are her. This issue transcends petty disagreements, party politics, and international feuds. Let’s get together and move forward as ONE.

Whether you are a supporter of President Obama, Bernie Sanders, Rick Perry, or Ron Paul, this issue affects, and will continue to affect, you and your loved ones until we all come together and have a shift of conscience. We need a plan, and we need both houses of Congress to put the country and planet ahead of corporate interests and take the lead in battling climate change, so that other countries will follow. Call your congressmen, write letters to your senators, sign petitions, and do everything in your power to shift the conversation and bring attention to our flailing planet. Everything is connected, and we must have an adaptive congress that will work together on everything from immigration reform, climate change, and financial regulation to environmental regulations and consumer protection.

Please watch the moving video, let us know your solutions in the comments section at the bottom of the page, and share this video on social media forums so that we can all get on the same page and reverse the dangerous course we have been traveling for far too long.


Photo: AP/File

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