The Good Men Project

9/11 Timeline: Video Shows World-Wide Coverage of the 9/11 Terrorist Attacks

A stunning collection of video clips from around the world shows how the day of September 11, 2001 progressed.* The first clip shows the way September 11 started out as a normal day (you may have to fast forward a bit in this version of the video).

Then comes all the interruptions of programming with the breaking news that an explosion occurred at the World Trade Center, and we’re instantly transported to how we felt on that day… The horror, the heartbreak and the realization that, for the first time in many of our lives as Americans, we had no idea whether we were safe.

The toolbar to the left of the video offers a timeline for what appears in the video, from the first breaking news to the BBC’s recap of the horrors of the day.

On the anniversary of this devastating day, we send our thoughts to those who lost their lives on 9/11, and wish peace for thousands of families who were forever changed that day. We also offer our gratitude to those members of the rescue teams who entered buildings everyone else fled from in order to save thousands of lives, many of whom lost their own in service.

*For a shorter version of this video, click here. 

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