The Good Men Project

A Real Woman Owns Her Anger (And Her Vulnerability) A Workshop: For Women in NYC (3/17)

The Good Men Project & Basic Goodness Present:

A Real Woman Owns Her Anger (And Her Vulnerability) – A Workshop For Women

Atalwin Pilon is one of our much appreciated writers at The Good Men Project. He is also the one who opened Pandora’s box on our website by defending and explaining the Psycho Bitch From Hell phenomenon. As a consequence he will now not only teach guys how to become more mature and complete men, he will also facilitate a unique full day experience to empower women. Would you like to learn how to better balance all your different roles in your hectic life? Would you like to learn how to be more confident and authentic? Would you like to understand human emotions (like anger and fear and many others) better and learn how to be less ‘irrational’ but more sensitive? Would you like to be more accepting of yourself and others? The set-up of the workshop allows you to have a profound and potentially life transforming experience.

The workshop will be ‘experiential’ which means that you will actually feel empowered, full of compassion and integrated afterwards. You will realize a potential of harmony, strength, compassion and integrity in yourself that will amaze you: you will find your inner Bodhisattva. Also, you will experience meditative states and inner peace. If you do it for the first time it can be a pretty spectacular experience. Not unimportant: you will have a lot of fun. You will leave as a wiser, stronger and softer woman.

Atalwin Pilon is a much appreciated contributor at The Good Men Project and the founder of Basic Goodness. He lives the life of a spiritual warrior, serving humanity as best as he can. He is a life coach, meditation teacher, writer and Zen Buddhist practitioner from Amsterdam who has been traveling the globe since January 2012 to contribute to the growth of as many people as possible. He feels the world needs inspiring and noble leadership and he has been and is searching for inspiring people who match that profile. At the same time he offers workshops to all the communities he visits. Since January he has been teaching in places where very few coaches and trainers dare to go: Israel, Palestine, Lebanon (Beirut), Iraq (Baghdad) and Colombia. But he also worked in India, Australia, California, Bali, Argentina and Hong Kong. If you ever participated in his workshops or had a private session with him you will definitely remember.

Date: Sunday March 17th
Time:  10 am – 6 pm (please arrive at 9.30 am)
Location: The Bhakti Center, 25 1st Avenue, New York, NY 10003

Costs: $150   (including an excellent lunch, tea, fruit & refreshments)
Participants: 15 – 25

Registration: please use PayPal only and transfer $ 150,- to Please mention date and name workshop in the message box.

For  more questions and information, email Atalwin Pilon at

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