The Good Men Project

A Very ‘Taxing Situation’

April 15 is the deadline to file your Income Tax Return. April is National Poetry Month. Take a break from searching for a tax deduction and enjoy a poem.


Taxing Situation 


Pain Tax:
Have you suffered?
You will pay!
If you find this painful,
you will pay some more.
Physical pain will be taxed
50% of your medical expenses.
Mental anguish tax
is 75% of your counseling costs.
Emotional crisis tax
is a dollar a tear.

Pleasure Tax:
Have you had some good times?
Have you danced with the joy of life?
Now is the time to pay the piper.
‘Tears of joy’ tax
is still a dollar each.
Taxes on simple pleasures
are not as much as sheer ecstasy.
If you try to avoid me,
with a devious grin,
I will find you out,
and tax you again.

You politicians are the worst;
spouting all these words.
Now you must pay –
a quarter a noun, a dollar a verb.
That will teach you
to be more brief,
and quit taxing us
when we need relief!

Photo: IStock

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