The Good Men Project

Apple to Pair With Foxconn to Help Prevent Worker Abuses

Mark Radcliffe takes note of Apple, Inc’s promise to help Foxconn create a safer and more ethical workplace for the workers who manufacture their products.

Regardless of where you stand on the issue of Mike Daisey and his “stretching of the truth” regarding his experience at Foxconn factories, it appears the attention he helped bring to the matter has contributed to ongoing changes there. Today another victory has been scored for Foxconn workers, as Apple and Foxconn announced a plan to share costs of improving the factories and workplace conditions. It’s no secret that Apple has plenty of cash to spare and frankly can afford to help those who contributed to their profits, but still I salute Apple for taking a leadership position here.

In an interview on NPR today, Fair Labor Association president Auret Van Heerden explained what would need to be done to improve conditions:

They will have to hire tens of thousands of new workers. They need to build dormitory rooms for them, add the cafeteria and workspace for them. So certainly, this is a project which will take, I think, the better part of a year or – to implement.

What do you think? Will this make a difference? Is Apple doing what is right, playing a simple game of catch-up, or both?

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