The Good Men Project

Aziz Ansari: Texting With Girls

“Everyman” Aziz Ansari’s video on the havoc that texting has reeked on modern dating.

I love Aziz Ansari. And not just because he’s amazing on NBC’s Parks and Recreation. He’s hysterical, and he’s also a representation of how the face of comedy is changing. If you think about it, even just ten years ago Hollywood was desperately lacking in Asian (or South Asian) male faces. Although we’ve got a long way to go in accurately representing on television what America looks like, Aziz Ansari (whose parents are originally from India) is quickly becoming a household name.

And Ansari is the perfect “every guy” in so many ways. He’s not super tall, he’s not super handsome, but he is super funny. And his humor is often centered around stuff most people can relate to. My favorite tweets of his center around his mother and her confusion about anything pop-culture related. Half the things his mom says are directly out of my own mom’s playbook.

But I had to share this Funny or Die clip of him, a teaser for his comedy tour, because as a relationship and sex blogger on She Said He Said, I can tell you that my partner Eli and I get a ton of questions from our readers about how damn vague communication is these days. We’re so used to the intense immediacy of the digital age that we pick apart every single thing said (or more accurately, typed) by someone we’re interested in. And five or ten minutes of silence can be excruciating!

As if understanding the opposite sex weren’t already hard enough… We introduce texting to the dating world:

What do you think? Is texting ruining human interaction? Is it making dating harder or offering more opportunities to get to know people?

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