The Good Men Project

Christopher Swain on Fox 25

Christopher Swain swims in polluted water … by choice. No, he doesn’t have a death wish or any serious mental issues. He does it all for a cause.

Swain has swum the Columbia, Charles, and Hudson rivers, along with a number of others. He does it all to raise awareness of the pollution in our country’s natural waterways. Swain often gets sick from the swims as the water is regularly contaminated with things like nuclear and human waste. He’s swum through class-IV rapids, been attacked by eels, and he’s even been hit by a boat. All of his swims are part of his Swims for Clean Water campaign. He also gives talks to children about his clean water campaign. His next effort is a 1,500-mile swim through the Atlantic from Canada to Washington, D.C.

Here he is on Fox 25 Boston:

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