The Good Men Project

Not Your Typical Beer Commercial: Is Guinness Made of Masculinity?


Watch this commercial. Tell us what you think. Is this the way men should be portrayed in the media?


I am not normally a fan of beer commercials.  Most of the time, I change the channel.  To me, they represent the stereotypical masculinity created by the media and American business. The commercials claim that men prefer to chase women and watch sports.  They encourage society to judge men who are different from this image.

This commercial is not that type of commercial. This commercial shows the other side of masculinity. It shows that men are generous and kind.  It shows that they care deeply and compassionately about their friends. It shows that they are loyal and willing to do almost anything in support of their friends.  It shows that men have a deep and complicated character that is sometimes only attributed to femininity. It is the first beer commercial that I have seen that doesn’t insult men by claiming that they are simple in their needs and wants.

I was moved by this commercial because I know men like this.  I know men who would do almost anything for their friends.  I know men who aren’t interested in chasing the next skirt that walks in to a bar.  I know men who can turn on a television without turning it to ESPN.  They belong in our society too. They deserve representation in our media. They are a new definition of masculinity. This commercial is so popular precisely because it depicts a new definition of masculinity.

What is your definition of masculinity?


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