The Good Men Project

The Golden Globes = Disaster Except for a Dog, a Little Person, and George Clooney

Okay I flipped over from the Giant’s destruction of the Packers to watch the Golden Globes (or actually just changed rooms as the ladies in the house had been watching the E! red carpet).  I’m pretty into movies and even award show.  I love Ricky Gervais’s irreverence so had high hopes.

The show was a dud.  Beyond Ricky’s reference to Jody Foster’s beaver he showed me nothing.  At one point the teleprompter broke (don’t try to get actors to work without their lines, it’s really ugly).

The acceptance speeches were just terrible.  Meryl Streep and Jessica Lange, both of whom I adore, babbling on was amongst the worst of the badness. Two notable exceptions:

George Clooney, with yet another beauty on his arm, was funny (penis joke), humble (hat tip to Brad Pitt), sincere (thanks to director Alexander Payne) and blissfully brief.

Producer Thomas Langmannof “The Artist” was in danger of being upstaged by a dog but was able to tell a lovely story about his dad winning a Oscar for short film and not having the money to come to the ceremony.

Two other honorable mentions on acceptance speeches were Claire Danes thanking her parents (who she omitted when she won at 15) and the foreign film winner from Iran saying he wanted to talk about his people who are “loving people”.

And then there was the acceptance speech by Peter Dinklage, who managed to talk about his newborn child and about a fellow Little Person confined to a wheel chair after being thrown as a joke:

But when our friend left, who had come over for the event, I said quite honestly “the best part was seeing you guys.” I paused and then continued the thought, “and I really don’t like you very much.”

They laughed knowing how much I love them and how much the Golden Globes had sucked.


Photo credit: The Envelope
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