The Good Men Project

Good Comment of the Day: Enjoying Sex Not Acceptable

The MPAA has overturned its NC-17 rating of Blue Valentine since contributor Adam Polaski wrote about it two days ago, and it’s safe to say that we were directly responsible.

OK, not really. But we did get some great conversation going about the way sex is censored in Hollywood. Girl-girl sex? Safe enough for R. Sex between married men and women? Turns out there aren’t many movies that even fit that criterion.

Reader bigyaz took the moderate route, arguing that “one really has to see the scene to make a judgment. There have been numerous scenes of female oral sex (including lesbians); it all depends on how it’s done.”

Others make a more forceful argument. Here’s Chopper Papa:

I argue that if the couple in the scene wasn’t married it wouldn’t be such a big deal … Riddle me this: How often do you see sex scenes where the characters ARE married? Seriously?

Michele agreed:

Having seen both movies and scenes, I would say that [the scene in Black Swan] is much more graphic than [that in Blue Valentine]. The latter is shot from the side so we see Gosling’s head disappearing between Williams’ legs while she happily orgasms. The other scene (true to Aronofsky’s neurosis) is shot mostly as a POV from Portman, who does not appear to be sure exactly whether she’s liking this or not. There’s wiping after and a general come-hither titillating aspect to it that I imagine is there to service the heteros in the audience …

The board is saying: Selling sex is fine. Enjoying it is not.

Fine points all around. Thanks to all who contributed and we look forward to hearing what you all have to say next! We’re talking to you. Yes, you.


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