The Good Men Project

Home Haiku

Haiku is a form of Japanese poetry traditionally consisting of three lines (as in the title reconfigured below.) Usually it has five syllables in the first line, seven in the second, and five in the third. Ancient haiku masters would not be concerned with rhyme but would often allude to a season or a facet of nature. Haiku revels in the senses while capturing a sentiment or memory. April 17 is National Haiku Poetry Day. April is National Poetry Month. Celebrate!

The Muse Celebrates
National Poetry Month
Japanese Haiku

Tires crunch dry gravel
announcing a friend’s approach
I start for the door

Train, mile to the east,
calls for, and is answered by,
train, mile to the west

Chinaberry tree
blossoms so delicately
scents so fragrantly

Mountain Laurel blooms,
rich and sweet as grape clusters,
a four yard bouquet

Squirrel weights down the branch
such that he cannot nibble
on fig out of reach

Tin roof amplifies,
yet muffles, the rains’ patter,
causing deep slumber

Close to swimming pool
and expressway to the coast,
Summer-time delight!

Neighborhood loquats
have the sweetest meat around
The best spring treat yet

Solar clothes dryer
gives exercise and sunlight –
Organic yoga

Warmth of gas heater
magnified by orange/blue light
provides double heat

Wood panels, sheet rock,
wallpaper on canvas, shiplap
Who needs R15?

Breezes from the Gulf,
squeezed by Monte Vista hills,
bring cooling moisture

Photo: IStock

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