The Good Men Project

I Love Gizmodo. So Much.

Fleshlights, Bidets, and Siri – oh my! Joanna Schroeder lists the many reasons she loves online tech site Gizmodo.

Okay, I’ll admit it…

I love Gizmodo.

My husband reads engadget every single day, it’s the start page on his browser. You want to know when the newest version of whatever-software is coming out? Ask him. I’m not saying engadget isn’t fantastic, but it’s sort of boring if you aren’t head-over-heels for technology.

Gizmodo is for the rest of us. It’s got news and reviews of cool, weird, and revolutionary gadgets, gizmos and technology. Gizmodo is where I first learned about the f**kable iPad cover by Fleshlight. You ain’t gonna see that on engadget, are you? Aside from being a sex advice blogger, I don’t know why I care about the f**kable iPad cover, I’m certainly not going to use it. But it’s sort of a fascinating… I mean, what does the f**kable iPad cover say about society?

How about today’s headline, “How To Make Siri Curse Like A Sailor”. I don’t know why someone would need that, I curse at Siri enough for both of us, but it’s sort of fun. Best of all, there’s a video with more swears in it than the movie The Hangover. Todd Phillips should be taking notes.

Gizmodo also recently gave a really in-depth review of the bidet toilet seat cover. I immediately shot my co-blogger here at The Good Feed Blog, Mr. Jamie Reidy, the link and said, “You gotta write about this!”

His reply? “Umm… I will not be writing about that. Thanks though.”

See? Here at The Good Men Project we’re all about blowing up stereotypes about men and women. Jamie didn’t want to lower himself to writing about the fancy bidet seat cover… I, on the other hand, added the link to my browser’s bookmarks.

What’s so good about the Gizmodo product reviews? The technology coupled with the honesty. In the example of the bidet, Gizmodo says this about its flaws:

The front jet which is designed for “feminine cleansing” isn’t nearly far forward enough. All three women that tested it for me said the same thing: It’s a straight-up taint-shot. They had to scoot way back and lean forward in order to get it into the correct neighborhood. Awkward. I was hoping it would provide a nice ball-wash, but no: taint-shot. Dammit.

The good news is, if you’re like Jamie and not into reading about the baser aspects of life, then go enjoy this explanation of the frickin’ crazy awesome Lytro Light Field Camera. Seriously, so cool. Way cooler than that poser Canon 5D (Just kidding, honey!). The coolest thing is the way, right in the review, you can play with the Lytro camera images.

I’ve also been super impressed with their guide on how to not be an asshole in public with your cell phone, their lecture to PC manufacturers about the bastardization of Windows 8 (as a Mac user, I have no clue what any of that is about) and also a legit serious post about the arsenal of weapons the Syrian regime is using.

That’s sort of how Gizmodo works, you don’t have to be a total tech nerd to enjoy the cool stuff Gizmodo offers, like the in-review videos, images, and diagrams. Just so cool.

So what’s your favorite online tech site?


Read Oliver Lee Bateman’s “review” of the Fleshlight iPad Cover here.


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