The Good Men Project

The Immeasurable Value of Studying Abroad

Since the Great Recession, I have helped thousands of people reach the finish line in their careers. Today, I will answer another question.


In the last 3 years, I’ve been studying abroad. I studied Spanish for 1 year and Mandarin for 2 years. I’m considering to move back to the U.S. (and potentially go to college) but I’m also considering to stay and leverage my language skills. What would you suggest?


First and foremost, I extend my kudos to you for speaking two foreign languages. Second, there are many advantages to being a polyglot (or a person that speaks multiple languages). The benefits include (but not limited to) a delay in dementia, improved multitasking, and better performance on tasks related to conflict management.

Finally, you become eligible for opportunities that would naturally disqualify monolingual people. Such an advantage will always give you an edge.

In regards to your intentions of moving back to the U.S., I would ask you to question your motives.

What’s your main reason for moving back there? If you’re considering it to be with your family, that’s a reasonable consideration.

Or do you think moving back offers a greater salary potential? Maybe this is also why you’re considering to study at a university there too.

Did you know that you can study at American universities abroad? The Association of American International Colleges and Universities is a good place to find which countries offer these type of higher education institutions.

Perhaps, it may be worth to continue to live abroad if you’re happy with your expat lifestyle or have other international aspirations.

Although, please consider that college is helpful in some ambitions and not helpful in others.

Before you invest your time and money in pursuit of a degree, please consider your career aspirations. If you already know Mandarin and Spanish, then why would you want to get a degree in either of those languages?

If you aspire to be a teacher, it’s necessary since every accredited school requires teachers to have a degree, but you should reconsider whether it’s worth it for other professions.

In this video, I offer more solutions to answer the question.

This article was originally published on Reaching The Finish Line and is republished here with the author’s permission.

Photo: Pixabay


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