The Good Men Project

Jerry Sandusky’s Adopted Son Talks About His Own Abuse

To any who may have been doubting the guilt of Jerry Sandusky regarding the child sexual abuse charges leveled against him during his tenure at Penn State, a new witness has come forward to discuss abuse suffered at the hands of Jerry Sandusky: Sandusky’s own adopted son. reports:

Matt Sandusky told prosecutors this week that Jerry molested him, his attorney says. It’s the first time Matt has made such allegations, though his biological mother testified before a grand jury last year regarding an unsettling relationship between her son and the former coach.

Matt Sandusky’s biological mother is on record saying that she believed Sandusky was “stalking” her son and talks about Matt and Jerry’s “rocky” relationship.

It seems to me that the best we can do at this point is hope and pray for healing for Sandusky’s victims. I also hope for a conviction that puts Sandusky out of the community for the rest of his life and that that offers survivors even just a little bit of peace of mind.

Beyond that, my sincere hope is that this nation will learn from this event and find new ways to support survivors of sexual assault, and to begin to take a more proactive role in stopping it. As we all know, there were suspicions and reports about Sandusky’s behavior with these young men for many many years. Perhaps those in power will begin to prioritize the lives of children before the careers of coaches and other people in power.

AP Photo/ Gene J Puskar

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