The Good Men Project

Maureen O’Connor at Gawker: “God, Thomas, You’re Such a Pussy”

Hey Maureen, really?

My NYT column “Man, I need a good cuddle” was actually an attempt to reach across the gender divide and say us guys are really a lot more sensitive than we are sometimes given credit. And that the growing trend of both men and women living alone isn’t all its cracked up to be IMO:

If more people are living alone, in the United States and around the world, I would argue that our humanity is being chipped away by the lack of cuddle. People can do what they want, of course. And I don’t doubt that I am a particularly needy and sometimes neurotic man of a certain ilk. So maybe the cuddle is more important to me than it is to some independent-minded woman.

I certainly am not above parody.  I write plenty myself, I am sure not always without missing the mark on occasion. But for a woman “journalist” to put together this little love letter in essence asking me to grow a pair for saying how much I love holding my wife and kids is the worst form of man-bashing sexism.

Or maybe I’m being too sensitive

If anybody wants to converse with Ms. O’Connor on cuddling, manhood, and Bin Laden (see below) she’s at

Gotta make dinner and tuck the kids in so I can go cuddle my wife (what a pussy).

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