The Good Men Project

New Study: Dads Feel More Attractive After Baby


Do new dads get a “post-pregnancy” glow?

A new study from researchers at the University of California Santa Barbara shows that men actually feel more attractive after their partner gives birth than they did before the event. Data was collected from 182 different couples at three “milestones” throughout a two year period — the beginning of their marriages, their one year anniversary, and then again on their second. 48 of the 182 couples became parents during the study. According to the study,

Moms and dads were asked to rate their own attractiveness on a scale of 1 (very ugly) to 100 (perfect beauty or ultimate handsomeness) and also to give themselves a score between 1 and 5 to indicate how they perceive themselves on a continuum.

Men without children scored themselves similarly at each point of the study. But men who had become fathers ranked themselves more attractive than they did before their wives had given birth.

The dads’ new found confidence was only temporary though. Their perceptions of their attractiveness generally dropped by the next year.

Researchers speculated there could be several different reasons for this increase in confidence. One theory suggests dads feel more “masculine” after creating a child “in their own image.” Another possibility could be the attention they get from women when they are seen with their infant in public.

What do you think?

Photo: Narith5/Flickr

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