The Good Men Project

NEWSER: Guitars Make Men Sexier

A newly released French study suggests music is linked to physical and intellectual abilities.

A new study published in the journal Psychology of Music indicates that “a guy with a pretty face and a guitar case is much more likely to score a woman’s phone number than, say, a guy with a sports bag or nothing at all.” The French study, described in the Pacific Standard, consisted of a 20-year-old man who “approached 300 young women, introduced himself, told the woman she was pretty, and asked for her number.” as Newser reports:

Some 31% of women gave their digits when he carried a guitar case—compared to 14% when he held nothing, and 9% with the sports bag.

Based on this study, the researchers suggest “music is linked with ‘physical and intellectual abilities’ and implies a work ethic,” which they believe could be perceived as good qualities in a mate.

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