The Good Men Project

Not The Breast Woman for The Job? Teacher Fired for Porn Career

Jamie Reidy comments on a middle school teacher fired for acting in porno movies. writers Stephanie Miranda and Gordon Tokumatsu report that Stacie Halas likely has a case for legal action against the school district.

School board trustees decided on Wednesday to fire Halas. She had been on paid administrative leave since her porn acting surfaced last month. Halas has 30 days to appeal the decision by requesting a hearing with an administrative law judge.

It appears the Oxnard school board suffered from some Premature Ejection.

Stacie Halas performed under the porn name “Tiffany Six.” Surprisingly, I am unfamiliar with her work.

The, uh, upside to having a porn star on the faculty? The truancy rate among male students will plummet. And after school tutoring sessions will be SRO (with raincoats strategically positioned, of course).

But holy cow would I have had trouble concentrating in science class when all I could think about was Ms. Halas’s chemistry with her costar(s). Lord help the lads if she taught anatomy.

(btw, the NBC Los Angeles’ legal analyst is named “Royal Oakes,” which sounds like a fancy neighborhood… or a guy’s porn name.)

What do you think: should Stacie Halas have been fired?

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