The Good Men Project

Open Thread: What Toy From Childhood Do You Wish You Still Had?

Yesterday, as a reward for sitting still for haircuts, I bought both my boys a new Lego set. I watched, amazed, as my 4 year old perfectly assembled his little Batman, Cat Woman and motorcycle set. I honestly had no idea that he knew how to read the directions and build those things.

It got me thinking about the Legos we had as kids… Remember how they came in big tubs, and you just built whatever you wanted? Now they’re these intricate sets that can be like 300 bucks a pop! My husband and I both muse on how we wish we had those big sets of Legos from our childhoods.

Which toy do you wish you still had from your childhood?

Were you a Lego kid? GI Joe? Shrinky Dinks? Cap guns?

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