The Good Men Project

Pee on Your Phone, Get Tested for an STD

Yes, there’s now an app for that, too.

British officials are developing technology that will allow users to test themselves for sexually transmitted diseases through their phones.

Nearly $6.5 million has been put towards funding the technology through a forum called the U.K. Clinical Research Collaboration. Here’s how it works:

People who suspect they have been infected will be able to put urine or saliva on to a computer chip about the size of a USB chip, plug it into their phone or computer and receive a diagnosis within minutes, telling them which, if any, sexually transmitted infection they have.

Why anyone would choose the urine option, I don’t know.

The number of reported STDs in Britain increased to a record high of 482,696 last year. This technology is aimed at younger, tech-savvy Brits who are too embarrassed to go get tested. The majority of men and women reporting new STDs were under 25.

“Your mobile phone can be your mobile doctor,” said Dr. Tariq Sadiq, leader of the project. “It diagnoses whether you’ve got one of a range of STIs, such as chlamydia or gonorrhea and tells you where to go next to get treatment.”

The devices will be sold in British bars, clubs, pharmacies and supermarkets for around $1.50.


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