The Good Men Project

SOPA Is About A Whole Lot More Than Pirates

There is much more at stake with PIPA and SOPA that we should be thinking about.

Everyone knows about the anti-piracy parts of the bills. We all know it is really about copyright infringement and coorporations protecting their profits. In many cases even the artists themselves would tell you the Truth, that in a majority of cases, sales actually go up after being provided free on the internet first. Why do you think the record companies, for example, have been providing free downloads of singles months in advance to end users ? The examples are endless.

What you may not be aware of is the impact this legislation could have on much needed resources like OpenCourseWare at MIT,  online repositories like the Internet Archive, OER, Open Culture and the likes. There is an important, growing trend towards providing, courseware, books, and research online. Considering the state of education in our country, this could have a devastating impact on ways these groups, and countless others, have reacted to fill in the gaps. Do the research (while you still can) and get involved.

Please realize the fallout is so much more than whether Beyonce and Jay-Z get another 600k to spend on a freaking solid gold rocking horse.

Why SOPA Could Kill the Open Education Resource Movement

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