The Good Men Project

Stressed-Out Men Aren’t Sexy? Thanks CNN!

Nicole Johnson thinks CNN should focus more on news that matters and less on pointing out the obvious.

I’m a morning coffee addict and a morning headline junkie. I love perusing the internet for noteworthy news while my bloodstream becomes caffeinated with Columbia’s strongest dark roast. My morning ritual is always enjoyable, if not flat-out entertaining. Some of these headlines (and stories) are hilarious, and at times, frivolous.

For example, let’s take this morning’s headline from CNN’s “Top Health News” section: Are Women Turned Off By Stressed-Out Men?

The opening paragraph reads: Scientists have been trying to confirm what Hollywood has known for decades: Women are often attracted to men with chiseled cheekbones and lantern jaws.

Really CNN? This is newsworthy? Any woman could tell you she is not turned on by a stressed-out man, just as any man could tell you he is not turned on by a stressed-out woman. I’m amazed that scientists took the time to study this topic. We don’t need empirical scientific evidence to prove that a stressed-out body is not sexy. Call me crazy, but shouldn’t these scientists be studying cures for life-threatening diseases?

I have a proposal; let’s dismiss this ridiculous study and offer up tangible solutions to help men (and women) reduce the level of stress in their lives. To kick off the conversation, I would suggest adopting this advice for stress reduction: get the proper amount of sleep every night, maintain a healthy diet, implement a manageable exercise regimen, work in a pleasant professional environment, strive to have a personal life filled with love and understanding, practice forgiveness, avoid any type of addictive behavior, and do activities you enjoy. This is my short list, and obviously these recommendations can’t be achieved overnight. Stress reduction should be a constant process.

I would like to turn the discussion over to you. What advice would you give to someone to reduce the level of stress in their life?

Photo Courtesy of Victor1558

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