The Good Men Project

Ten Things I’ve Learned From Playing in a Band


I’ve played on stages that were so small that we were literally bonking instruments together and couldn’t move at all. You learn to appreciate the small things…like space, working monitors and a half-decent sound engineer.

  1. Label everything with coloured tape, and make sure you account for all your stuff. You will still lose some cables, but at least you feel like you did your due diligence.
  2. The lead guitar will never be loud enough in the monitors to satisfy the lead guitarist.
  3. Don’t put too much reverb on the lead singer’s voice. This isn’t karaoke.
  4. Songwriting is fun when everybody is cool and collaborates and supports each other. As you connect and write with your bandmates, they become like family. That being said, maybe my three minute guitar solo could use a bit of editing.
  5. It is amazing to be paid even a tiny amount of money for playing music. It feels so great!
  6. Try your best not to sleep with anybody else in your band. I know you will anyway, but please try your best not to.
  7. A lead singer needs charisma and confidence, more than just about anything else. Obviously, they should be able to sing, but you can get away with a lot in a live gig with a decent singer who can really sell it.
  8. I’ve played on stages that were so small that we were literally bonking instruments together and couldn’t move at all. You learn to appreciate the small things…like space, working monitors and a half-decent sound engineer.
  9. Your friends will diligently buy your CD/MP3s, come to your shows, and wear your t-shirts. Appreciate your friends.
  10. Being in a band, doing stand-up comedy, or being an actor will not automatically make you more attractive to the opposite sex. It helps a bit, but unless you are crazy famous, rich, and/or good looking, then you are still the same shlub offstage as you are onstage. Just be happy that you are creating something beautiful.

Photos taken by the gracious eye of Jana Hanova.

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