The Good Men Project

The $14 Trillion Question

As it turns out, when defaulting on maturing Treasury debt could put the world’s financial markets into a state of chaos, $38 billion is nothing. The real issue is what happens when Congress has to vote to increase the current $14.25 trillion federal debt ceiling, an action that could become necessary in the next five weeks.

What are the men’s issues at stake here? Social Security (roughly $5 trillion is money the government has borrowed from other accounts, mostly from Social Security revenues, according to federal figures), the trillion-dollar cost of sending our men into wars in the Middle East, education reform, Medicare, Medicaid, and unemployment insurance that resulted from the “he-cession.”

A bipartisan committee appointed by Obama to study the problem of the deficit came back last December with recommendations that included tackling social security, raising certain taxes, and simplifying the tax code itself in an effort to take $4 trillion out of the budget over the next decade. But it’s unclear whether anyone in either party has the guts to do anything but dance around the real problem.

Just speaking as one guy—a businessman raised by Quakers—here is what I would like to see both parties have the courage to address:

What do you think? We need all thoughtful men and women thinking about this—that’s for sure.


For more, please read:

Military Families Face Pay Freeze, More Uncertainty

Shooting the Truth


—Photo Michael Kamber



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