The Good Men Project

The New York Times Looks at Gendered Search Differences by Parents

parents gendered search differences from the new york times

An article in today’s Sunday NY Times gives some graphic representations of search differences between parents of boys vs. parents of girls—or even those just hoping for a boy or a girl. The article, titled “Thanks Mom and Dad, for All Your Support”, includes the chart above which they title “THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN PARENTS WEB SEARCHES AND REALITY”.

The article also includes charts that show “Parental Google queries weighted towards boys involve intelligence and emotional well being, but the ones weighted toward girls involve appearance, plus a slight tilt toward depression instead of happiness.” A final chart shows the countries where parents are asking how to control the gender of their child-to-be — with some countries “hoping for a boy” and some more likely to “hope for a girl.”

Read the full article and charts here.

What do you think? Does this fit in with your experience or what you see as the ongoing social narrative? What if any implications are there from information like this?




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