The Good Men Project

Video: Guy Jumps Out Of Truck Before It Plummets Off a Cliff

When I learned to drive, my stepfather taught me to always have a plan. Scan the road, think of what you would do if the worst were to happen. Now I’m sort of neurotic about it, playing out scenarios and making a plan for how, should I fall off a bridge into the ocean, for instance, I would unbuckle myself and the kids, break the window and swim to safety.

It’s sort of a morbid habit, but this video featured on Gizmodo today shows why it’s good to have a plan.

Watch how the driver of the tow truck leaps out at the last second, just before it plummets down into the icy ravine! You know that man had a plan!

Everyone in this video survived, even the guy whose truck first fell… Miraculously, he walked away with just a few broken bones.

How about you? Do you plan for the worst?

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