The Good Men Project

Video: The World Is Full

CNN is running a compelling interview with former Greenpeace leader Paul Gilding.

In ecological terms, Paul Gilding says that we are spending 150% of what we make. That’s not a responsible way to run one household’s expenses. When the household is the whole world, the questions of how we use resources are more than personal. No one of us lives in isolation, and the choices of the richest of us affect the fortunes of every person, and every other living thing on Earth.

Given what we know about global justice and the environment, can a good man be a capitalist? Is there a way to support a family that doesn’t involve taking more than our fair share of the world’s resources? If I provide for my children today at the expense of the world their children’s children will inherit, is it worth the cost?


You can watch Paul Gilding’s entire TED talk here.


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