The Good Men Project

The Czech ‘Peter Meter’

For a country that’s so liberal with their porn policy, the Czech Republic has a pretty shocking test for men seeking asylum across their borders.

Men seeking asylum in the Czech Republic are forced to drop their pants and get hooked up to a penile plethysmograph to find out just how gay they are. After the “peter meter” device is attached to their penises, they are subjected to all kinds of pornography to see what happens to their junk. This test then determines if they can seek asylum.

Understandably, this has ruffled more than a few feathers in the European Union. The Fundamental Rights Agency has deemed the practice “undignified” (no kidding) and denounced the procedure as a violation of the European Convention on Human Rights for “touch[ing] upon the most intimate part of an individual’s private life.”

According to the BBC:

The case first came to light after a German court refused to deport an Iranian asylum seeker to the Czech Republic, saying as a homosexual he would be subjected to the test.

The Czech Republic has defended its actions by saying that “testing is conducted only after written consent and when it was not possible to use a different method.”

And we thought we had it bad with the recent TSA gropings


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