The Good Men Project

The Jets Beat the Colts: a Photo Essay

Alex Young, a self-proclaimed sports-lifestyle photographer and Jets fan, traveled from Atlanta to Indianapolis last weekend to watch the Jets beat the Colts in the first round of the NFL playoffs. He brought along his camera and documented what we can only assume was a wild weekend. The photos had to stop at the door of the Red Garter.

The road from Atlanta to Indianapolis is a long one, littered with firework stores and opinionated religious billboards.

If the Colts played outdoors, the weather would probably make them a different team.

Instead of subjecting you to photos of the nondescript food served at the stadium, I present to you the New York–style Reuben from Shapiro’s Deli, a few blocks away.

Unfortunately, some Jets fans pluck their eyebrows.

I love how all these new indoor stadiums have windows for natural light. Hopefully this means the end for claustrophobic stadiums like the Superdome and whatever’s left of the Metrodome.

This sign works better when you win.

Call off the search, the Jets running game has been found.

Fireman Ed: the only publicly elected mascot in the league.

Half of the road playoff victories in Jets history came within the past year. It’s a great time to be a traveling Jets fan.

The only way to end this night.


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