The Good Men Project

Walk a Mile in Her Shoes … in Kenya

After the disputed presidential election at the end of 2007, Kenya erupted into violence. Over 1,000 people were killed, while hundreds of thousands were displaced from their homes. With no true authority and a barely-functioning medical system, the country descended into chaos. And with this came widespread reports of sexual violence across the country. It was a problem before the elections, and it still appears to be one after.

Since 2008, Okoth Moses has been working to organize a “Walk a Mile in Her Shoes” event in Nairobi. These events are marches where men actually walk in women’s shoes to raise awareness for rape, sexual assault, and gender violence. And Moses’ day is finally here. The Nairobi “Walk a Mile in Her Shoes” walk takes place today. Congrats to Moses for furthering a great cause in a country that definitely needs it.

Here are some more photos from the event:

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