The Good Men Project

DirecTV Says Yes, There Are Gay Football Fans

DirecTV scores with an ad that tells us what we already know: gay guys like football, too.


Gay couples and families are becoming more common in advertising: snack foods, cars, destinations.

DirecTV has gone one step further by busting two stereotypes: that football is a hetero-dude things and that gay men are somehow delicate or weak.

Their ad, featuring a rivalry between a Cowboys and a Giants fan, begins with a broken house, ends with a broken house, and can apparently only be kept at bay by DirecTV’s NFL Sunday Ticket Package, an “all the football” football package. It’s what you’d expect to see targeted at guys who want to watch the games.

Someone must have done their research, because visit any sports bar on game day in a gay neighborhood and it will be busy and noisy. Not a sports bar? There will probably still be a TV on a game.

And that isn’t for the token straight guy in there.

Because…wait for it…there are plenty of gay guys who are indistinguisable from their straight counterparts on any given Sunday, including having a mate at home very glad for a few hours to themselves, and willing to let someone else clean up the party.






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