The Good Men Project

Every Drunk Wants to Die Sober it’s How We Beat the Game

Every drunk wants to die sober it’s how
we beat the game
eze Renta le son-in-law of the Prophet
was martyred by a poisoned sword while
saying his evening prayers his final
words I am successful I am successful I
want to carve it into my forehead I’ve
been cut in two before it barely heard I
found my body to be hard and bloodless
as glass still for effect I tore my
shirt to tourniquets
let me now be calm for one fucking
second let me be open to revision
eternity looms in the corner like a home
invader saying don’t mind me I’m just
here to watch you nap as a boy my mother
tucked me in
I was so tiny and sweet she would say
moose poop rat debt a mouse should eat
you I melt it away that sweetness like
sugar and water like once fresh honey
dripping down a thigh today I lean on
habit and rarely unstrap my muzzle…

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